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Meet The Team​

Stephen Rossberg
Training Manager & Civil Trainer Assessor


Steve joined the RAPAD Skilling team in January 2012 as a Trainer/Assessor in the Civil Construction industry. Steve and his wife have raised three children, all girls, in Longreach and wouldn’t change anything for quids, “the area is in our Blood”.


Steve’s knowledge of the Civil Construction industry stems from a work history of 21 years with local government with roles ranging from labourer, plant operator, WHSO, QA Officer, Training coordinator to Manager of Works for the Shire of Ilfracombe and ultimately for the amalgamated Longreach Regional Council in the Ilfracombe area. 


As a local identity and experienced Trainer Assessor, Steve has recently taken on the role of Training Manager for RAPAD Skilling with the ambition to drive RAPAD Skilling even further ensuring the provision of high-quality training delivery throughout all regions of the Central West and beyond. 

Nicole Avery

Student Records Manager, Trainer & Assessor


Nicole has been employed with RAPAD Skilling since 2013, and is currently balancing the roles of Student Records Manager and a Trainer & Assessor for Tourism and Events. She enjoys all the aspects of a busy RTO and embraces working as a team to deliver the highest outcomes to our students.

P: 07 4652 5610  


Nicole Avery
Jillian Singleton

Finance and Payroll Officer


Jilly has been with RAPAD Skilling since September 2012, originally employed as a Trainer/Assessor. Jilly's primary role was delivering training in Business, ICT, Hospitality and Retail. This role gave Jilly a firm understanding of the workings of a busy RTO.

Jilly no longer trains for RAPAD Skilling but currently holds the Finance Officer position and is still an integral part of the RAPAD Skilling team.

P: 07 4652 5609

Gordon Jones

Trainer & Assessor


Gordon has been a Workplace Trainer/Assessor since 1989. Starting with the QLD SES then with the Queensland Ambulance Service as well as the mining industry. Gordon can train/assess in many areas, including civil construction plant operations, road construction and maintenance, working at heights and in confined spaces, traffic control and management, agricultural chemicals and equipment, first aid and LVR. Gordon is a Member of the Australian Institute of Training and Development and a Member of the National Institute of First Aid Trainers.


P: 07 4652 5603  

M: 0428 751 906


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Robert Thornhill

Trainer & Assessor


Robert has years of experience in the Civil Construction, Transport and Logistics, Work Health and Safety, and Agriculture industries. He is also a trade-qualified Bricklayer and Carpenter. Though a Longreach local at heart, Rob has been training since 2010 in WA, NT, SA, NSW, QLD, and even East Timor for the UN. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge and practical skills that suit current workplace and industry needs. Rob has been with the RAPAD Skilling team since January 2019.

P: 07 4652 5605



P: 07 4652 5600  


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